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Is Your Home Well-Insulated?

Man Installing Insulation

Why Insulation Matters

Adequate home insulation is important for maintaining comfortable temperatures and increasing a home's energy efficiency. Furthermore, insulation also helps reduce noise from traffic and other sounds, maintain stable moisture levels, reduce the risk of mold growth and help ensure good indoor air quality.

How Insulation Supports the HVAC System

It's also important to note that insulation is critical for supporting the efficient operation of a homeandrsquo;s heating and cooling systems. Without good insulation, the warm or cool air the system produces will escape into the environment, leaving a home uncomfortable and increasing heating and cooling costs. A well-insulated home will create less work for the heating and cooling systems, extending their lifespan and saving money.

Similarly, just as insulation stops conditioned air from escaping, it also prevents unconditioned outside air from getting inside which keepsthe home comfortable, ensuring that the hard work of the HVAC system isn't going to waste.

How to Tell If Your Home Is Well-Insulated

Roof, wall, window, door and floor insulation are necessary to keep a home well-insulated. Generally speaking, modern homes tend to be better insulated than older homes. Because most of your home's insulation is hidden behind walls and floorboards, it may be hard to know if your home is well-insulated. However, there are a few common culprits when it comes to poor insulation.

Areas that tend to have insulation problems include:

  • Attics
  • Crawlspaces
  • Basements
  • Garages

The attic is the most common culprit for bad insulation and heating or cooling loss and when determining if insulation is your problem, you should start there. According to, an easy way to quickly tell if your attic has enough insulation is to scan the area and see what level the insulation reaches. If it is level with or below your floor joists, then you likely need more insulation. Furthermore, the insulation needs to be evenly applied throughout the space.

If you have a finished attic, determining if it has enough insulation is trickier and you will likely want to schedule an inspection with one of our insulation specialists.

How Much Insulation Is Enough?

Insulation is measured based on what is called an R-Value. This is a measurement of the insulation's capacity to resist heat flow. Lower R-Values are associated with poorer performance and higher R-Values are associated with better performance. recommends R-Values of R-38 or higher. This typically correlates to around 10 to 14 inches of insulation.

To determine the R-Value for attic insulation, you will need to know the type of insulation and measure the number of inches of insulation installed. Different types of insulation have different R-Value ratings. Our experts and help identify the type of insulation and calculate the R-Value,

What to Do If Your Home Is Poorly or Inadequately Insulated

If you know or suspect that your home has a problem with its insulation, our team can perform an inspection and identify how best to improve your insulation. As a full-service HVAC company, we know how important insulation is and we offer top-quality insulation services, including attic insulation installation.

The Benefits of Fiberglass Insulation in Residential Homes

There are several different types of insulation, including cellulose, fiberglass, foam and rock wool. Foam, fiberglass and cellulose can all be blown or sprayed in, while rock wool is typically loose. Fiberglass insulation also comes in batts or rolls. Fiberglass batting is the most commonly used material for insulation. However, blown-in fiberglass insulation is increasing rapidly in popularity.

The reason fiberglass is so popular is that it is both non-combustible and non-corrosive. This means that it is fire resistant, incredibly long-lasting and not prone to problems like decay or mold growth. It has also been shown that blown-in fiberglass insulation can help reduce utility costs by up to 20%. Here at Valley, we use the best, high-quality AttiCatandtrade; Expanding Blown-In PINK FIBERGLASSandtrade; Insulation.

If you are struggling with heating and cooling loss or need your home's insulation improved, reach out to Valley for help. Our insulation experts are standing by to answer all your questions.
