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Three Reasons Ceiling Fans Are Popular Additions to Homes


Are you looking for a way to keep your home more comfortable all year round that doesnandrsquo;t involve running your heating and cooling system constantly? Running your HVAC equipment is expensive and with surging energy costs showing no signs of slowing down, it makes perfect sense to look for an energy-efficient and economically-viable alternative to high energy costs. The answer may be a simpler one than you ever imagined as well: a ceiling fan!

Ceiling fans have long been popular additions to homes - and even today theyandrsquo;re continuing to explode, with people looking to install them everywhere from bedrooms to living areas and even in outdoor spaces. Ceiling fans have a number of advantages, and they can generally be easily installed by our skilled Valley electricians in nearly any room.

Here are three popular reasons why people choose to install ceiling fans in their homes:

Ceiling Fans Look Great

Does it feel like your room is missing that one thing to really tie it all together? Are you looking for something to stand out or function as a conversation piece? Do you want a design statement thatandrsquo;s both beautiful and functional? A ceiling fan can be all of these things! Ceiling fans come in many different colors, shapes, sizes and styles - so thereandrsquo;s a great chance that thereandrsquo;s one out there that meets all of your style and functional needs that will complement your home.

Many fans are also designed to function optimally with the least amount of noise or maintenance possible. And fans can be a reasonably priced accessory for your home.

Ceiling Fans Keep You Cooler

The great news is that ceiling fans are more than just ornaments in your roomsandmdash;theyandrsquo;re also functional! During the summer, ceiling fans help you stay cooler by creating circulating air which helps your room feel more comfortable. That means you can actually set your thermostat higher and still enjoy your home in comfort, which saves you money!

And they can do more! Ceiling fans can also help you stay warmer during winter. When you flip the small switch located on the side of the fanandrsquo;s motor, the blades reverse direction and pull air upward towards your ceiling. When warm air naturally rises, this forces the warm air that has become trapped up near your ceiling to move downward, keeping a more even and consistent temperature in your room. That means youandrsquo;ll have to run your furnace less often as well.

Ceiling Fans Save Energy

Perhaps the biggest benefit of getting a ceiling fan for your home is that they save energy, which in turn, saves you money. When you donandrsquo;t have to run your air conditioner as often during summer, but still feel cool and comfortable, youandrsquo;ll enjoy a significant savings. A ceiling fan uses only a small fraction of the energy your air conditioner uses and that can save a substantial amount of money on energy bills each month making them a particularly good investment.

Let our highly-trained electricians outfit your home with a brand new ceiling fan – or two! Give Valley Heating, Cooling, Electrical and Solar a call by dialing (408) 868-5500 and schedule yours today!
