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Electrical Problems to Avoid During the Holidays


The holidays can certainly be an exciting time, but it's also a time where you must exercise caution wherever you can. Electrical issues during this time of year are not only annoying, but can also percent a fire hazard.

Here are a few electrical problems that you should try to avoid at all costs:

Carefully Inspect Decorations and Cords

Before you hang up any lights or other types of decorations, make sure that there are no frayed wires or damaged cords. This goes for both brand new items and decorations that you may have stored away in a closet somewhere.also, be sure to check the decorations themselves for any damage.

Keep Electrical Decorations Away from Heat Sources

You should actually keep all decorations away from heat sources, but especially electrical ones. Heat sources can melt power cords and other components and quickly create a fire hazard. This is especially true if you're using space heaters, which give off a lot of heat in a small area.

Use Surge Protectors

Whenever possible, plug your electrical decorations, including lights for your tree, into surge protectors. This is especially helpful during any kind of storm, when surges are more likely to happen. Just be sure not to overload the protector.

Hang Fewer Holiday lights

When in doubt... do without. There's absolutely no reason that you should try to outdo the Griswolds this year. Not only can a large number of lights present a fire hazard, your electricity bill will be outrageous.

Choose Battery over Electrical

With so many types of decorations available in stores and online, there's really no reason to pack your home with electrical items. The more you choose battery-operated decorations over electrical ones, the safer you will be and the more money you will save.

For more expert advice on electrical problems or any home comfort concerns, be sure to reach out to the professionals at Valley Heating, Cooling, Electrical and Solar by visiting our website or calling (408) 868-5500. We've been serving the HVAC, solar and electrical services for Santa Clara County, Silicon Valley and South Bay Peninsula since 1962.
